Podcasts at Cedar Mill

Cedar Mill Community Library is excited to provide audio podcasts for and about our community. Subscribe via RSS to hear when new episodes are available. We have a variety of audio programs that you can access through this website:

  • Founders' Oral History - Travel back in time to the early days of the library’s founding. Listen as these community activists share their memories of the grassroots movement that resulted in today’s Cedar Mill Community Library.
  • Community Oral History - In 2009, in honor of Oregon's sesquicentennial, we recorded 14 interviews with local immigrants and descendents of immigrants to illustrate the importance of immigration on our community. More interviews were added in 2011. This Oral History Project was done with the help of Matt Hiefield and his history students at Sunset High School. More information at CMCL's website.
  • Teen Book Discussions - Working with Stoller Middle School teachers, John Wickham and Catherine Geddry-Pierce, we have recorded several book discussions with local middle school students about popular books they have read. Learn more about this project and listen to more audio recordings on our teen page.
  • Performances - CMCL offers many library programs during the year. Find recordings of events posted under this category. For upcoming events, see the News & Events Calendar our our website. Thanks for listening!

SoundOff 3-27-2007 More real things soon.

Email us: soundoff at libsyn.com
Category:videoPodcast -- posted at: 10:43pm UTC

Soundoff 3-162007 Pink Friday Fashion show featuring Phil.

Audio Comments by -

Musician/Podcaster extraordinaire:
Heath Patrie of 
Tranquility Podcast
Heath and Friends Alive
and Heath Electric

Randal L. Schwartz
calls in from Geek Cruises Podcast

Animation Software iStopMotion by Boinx Software

email us soundoff At libsyn.com

Category:videoPodcast -- posted at: 8:17pm UTC

Soundoff 3-12-2007  Monday update:

The directory page is now back up.  Please send us some feedback.

soundoff AT libsyn.com
Category:videoPodcast -- posted at: 11:15pm UTC

Soundoff 3-9-2007 Formal Friday - with a review of the Banana Bunker, and the Formal Friday Fashion Show with music by Grand Buffet.

Email us - soundoff at libsyn.com
Category:videoPodcast -- posted at: 5:00pm UTC

Soundoff 3-8-2007 The directory is down but not out.

Today we highlight a personal fav - Dyann Bakes

Email us!  soundoff At libsyn.com
Category:videoPodcast -- posted at: 5:00pm UTC

Soundoff: 3-7-2007 "Interview Wednesday with Michael Bailey"

After a couple days consumed with boring meetings and headcolds, the boys are back and have Mobasoft president, and MobaTalk creator- Michael Bailey.

PS. One of the dave's cut his hair..



Category:videoPodcast -- posted at: 5:00pm UTC

Soundoff: 3-2-2007 "Formal Friday with Rob Walch"

It was a beautiful day in Pittsburgh.  Visit with Phil at libsyn support teaches us about bolo ties, Meebo chat, and libsyn skype support.

Visiting on the Commodore64 is Rob Walch from Podcast411

Tricks of Podcasting Masters

Have a great weekend
Category:videoPodcast -- posted at: 5:00pm UTC

Soundoff: 3-1-2007 "Serving up that dogfood"

The official launch of the libsyn soundoff daily show.
We make a big announcement, call in a special guest on the Commodore 64, and take a little tour around libsyn/Wizzard HQ.

Wizzard Media Division

Spanish Survival Guide

Leadership DNA
Category:videoPodcast -- posted at: 5:00pm UTC

Inaugural Daily Video Update from the Libsyn squad.  The Libsyn Soundoff Video Podcast will be daily (M-F) 2-4 minute update on the status of all things Libsyn.

Episode 1: 2/28/2007
- We'll have more to say tomorrow.

Category:videoPodcast -- posted at: 11:26pm UTC

The numbers are in and it's official: In January 2007 the Libsyn Network served a record high of 64.3 million downloads in a month.  Congratulations to all of the hard working producers out there growing your audiences and making your shows a success!

Correction:  We noticed a slight error with this report.  After another audit of our statistical reporting system, we have adjusted our calculation for our January 2007 download numbers.  The actual downloads equal 63.4 million. 
Category:libsyn reports -- posted at: 6:31pm UTC

WOW "We finally got Ziggy!"

- Marty Mulligan

"I don't get it?"
- Matt Hoopes

"Think Scott Bakula."

- Marty Mulligan


- Matt Hoopes

"What an auspicious day."

- Dave Chekan

"Was that on your word of the day calendar?"

- Matt Hoopes

"No I watched Firefly last night."

- Dave Chekan
Category:general -- posted at: 6:09pm UTC

OK ... Podcamp - Who's Coming to the Burgh? Podcamp Pittsburgh. we've been travelin' about to all these fun places like Ontario....Seattle.... ... then Ontario again.  This time its your turn folks, come join us in the city we call home.  Blitzburgh PA!

Roll Call
Category:Events -- posted at: 1:03am UTC

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article about the next big things in media, and over 66% of the podcasts mentioned are libsyn users!

While we are thrilled that WSJ have noticed a few of our standout customers, they missed about 4,500 others.  We'll let them know about it and hopefully they'll extend their list next time!

Category:libsyn reports -- posted at: 10:00pm UTC

Scenes from the Corporate Podcasting Summit Sitting in a Starbucks in SanFran as I "cut" this puppy, I am realizing how much fun I had at the Corporate Podcasting Summit.  Must admit, I didn't know what to expect - actually shaved every day for this event.  Anita over there ran everything tight as a drum, and the speakers, panelists and attendees were a very inspired crew.  We had fun and the excitement for the medium was still very sincere.  Glad about that.

Characters in tow:

Elisabeth of Podcasting News (pictured) - Never Miss a day on that site!
Mark Blevis (pictured) - Canada Rocks!
Rob Walch of Podcast411 - Like a Rock
Chris Macdonald - Indiefeed pioneer shows libsyn how to stroll
Jon Cobb - His brains worth a Million, Smiles... priceless
Michael Geoghegan - The White Night of Podcasting
Paul Colligan - PLAy on!!
James Harris of ListenShare - Smart and Smooth
Yong Fu - Stealthin' - Awesome Guy - no link

Not in the Vid but Check his stuff!
Craig Syverson - Podcasting's Buckeroo Bonzai

I'll probably touch up this list as I find everyone on the web.
Coming soon memories of Bloggercon IV

Category:videoPodcast -- posted at: 1:23am UTC

Libsyn Bumpers by Lord Grunge We have a new selection of libsyn bumpers for those of you who may be interested.  They are voiced by Lord Grunge a fellow podcaster, and rapper of the band Grand Buffet.

The soundstamp digital effect is provided by Phil Boyd of the band Modey Lemon.  You may come across him in emails.  Phil has a podcast and he can do headstands

The Grunge Bumpers are available in Wav and Aiff.

"libsyn" aiff wav
"Powered by libsyn" aiff wav
"Liberated Syndication" aiff wav
"Lib-SiiiiiiiiNuh" aiff wav

If you would like to create your own bumpers you can grab the soundstamp below.  Please let us know if you create a bumper that we could use. 

libsyn soundstamp aiff wav

Category:general -- posted at: 7:16pm UTC

New Pittsburgh Office!!! So we've just christened our brand new office in the booming Larryville part of Pittsburgh.  Here are some clips from today's fungramming.  A few casualties of programming... hooopes down.
Category:videoPodcast -- posted at: 6:54am UTC

Lookout Seattle.. Pittsburgh's coming to town. We're unleashing Dave Mansueto onto the Podcast Hotel this weekend, Feb 23 - Feb 25 out there in beautiful Seattle, Washington. Noone has any excuse not to go- certainly none of your west coast -erners. No telling what's going to happen this trip out west for the young pioneer, Mansueto. Please, everyone come buy a drink for our tireless traveler. The event sounds totally awesome, and we're bummed we all can't go. Live it up for us, Dave!
Category:general -- posted at: 4:50am UTC

We'd like to take a moment and recognize another milestone and truly thank everyone for their participation in helping to build the premiere podcast delivery network. This is a network built by you guys and girls, the podcasters, from the ground up to be exactly what you need.

Alright kids, geek alert. Here's our latest stats libsyn is now 3,000 users (and growing rapidly) with over 55,000 episodes online serving almost 1 million media files every day. What does that look like on the nerd side?- about a terabyte of data served every hour!
.... ya our reaction too when we calculated that number.

Ok, nerd break over, back to work. Thanks everyone, seriously, we still are amazed when people find out about us and come join our network. We love you.

Category:general -- posted at: 3:55pm UTC

Two years ago I asked this question: Why can't we have global, ubiquitous non biased coverage of the olympics available to anyone and everyone, for free, via a p2p delivery network? The olypics are an international competition of goodwill, yet here in America exclusive rights and coverage is bid on and owned by one of the major media networks. Then, the events of most interest to the least common denominator of US viewers are recorded, edited and replayed in prime time.

I would like to seriously put forth the challenge, to all independent media outlets, that we band together and plan for the 2008 summer games complete, on-demand, streamable, coverage- free for anyone in the world to watch.

Here are some things we need to figure out how to pull off:


This may be one of the hardest pieces. We need unadulterated footage of every trial of every event. This could mean a sizable investment to cover actually having a film crew on site, and also having a mechanism to allow uploads of event coverage for citizens of this participating community worldwide. We then need to develop a way to allow multiple commentary tracks to be recorded/uploaded/synched to allow for multi-national point of view commentary. Graphics overlays should also be able to be created,uploaded, and drawn in dynamically by the international consortium of olympic coverers. All the typical resources a commentary team has on hand, like historical statistics, relevant back story, insider information, etc needs to be linked in via a comprehensive wikipedia like knowledge base.


To power the delivery of this massive archive of video footage, a more robust and flexible peer-to-peer technology needs to be developed so that a billion people worldwide can tune in via web, tv, and mobil video appliance. The UI should be a timeline map, of every event, including every trial run, as well as medal round. The viewer should be able to pick and begin viewing on-demand. The user should able to pick from angles, pov, language, and also vote on quality and completeness of any given event coverage. After several years of different experiments in the wisdom of crowds filtering, we as an online community should be able to develop something to handle this task.


Once complete, this people's history of the olympic games should be kept online and available for all posterity.

Sponsors currently pay how many millions and millions of dollars- for what? At least sponsors of the people's coverage of the olympics will be contributing to something great. We would form an international organization and every dollar raised would go to the production, development, delivery, and archiving of the event and future olympics.

If nothing else, over this past year we have learned the cost of technology is not a limiting factor. The shear processing, storage, and delivery power to make this a reality is here today and not difficult or expensive to obtain. I don't think this is a pipe dream at all, and with the help of some smart people and some money we can make this a reality.

Do I have any takers?
Category:general -- posted at: 4:45am UTC

We heard about this a while back and thought it would be rad to go, then the holidays came and we kinda forgot, but then was reminded by our friend Chris at Indie Feed, so we said hell ya, let's make a road trip to NC! So tomorrow night, we're going to pack the car and head out. Everyone on the east coast should be there, no excuses! http://www.podcastercon.org/ Let's hope the old car will make it.
Category:general -- posted at: 8:53pm UTC

Last week at the 2005 libsyn prom we celebrated hitting 2,000 users. We've ALL (podcasting especially) have come along way... and this is just the beginning.

We would like to take a minute and say thank you for your patience and support and trusting in us over this past year. Take a minute and enjoy some pictures from our prom

Category:general -- posted at: 6:24am UTC

That's the booth you will find the boys from the libsyn squad! Everyone is invited to come by our booth for a party! Black tie optional.

Friday, from opening to close, come dance, get your prom pictures taken, have a ball at booth 411.

Saturday, (if we wake up from the after prom party) will be special give-away day. Come see the boys and get an awesome prize if you are able to correctly guess (roughly) how many liberated synners there currently are running around the podcasting space. I'll give you a hint.. the libsyn prom is "class of ______".

See you kids in LA!

Category:general -- posted at: 3:37am UTC

Quietly, one night in November 2004, 4 old friends got together around a common idea. We got that computer from Weird Science, connected the electrodes to a Christian Slater doll, Marty put a bra on his head, Hoopes did some layup drills... we hit the enter key and.. well.. the rest is a foggy dream. Not that we've slept much since to have many dreams.

This year, we had some cupcakes to celebrate. Maybe next year we'll be drinking champagne. Perhaps we'll even have some this year, next week at the expo!

Come give us some love, or a punch in the face. Both are probably equally deserved. We love you all.

Category:general -- posted at: 5:12am UTC

Add yourself to our libsynners frapper map! Then we'll drive soapy to your town and throw Pal gum at all the kids.
Category:general -- posted at: 12:58am UTC

Webspot: Libsyn Stroll Thanks to Nathan Cornett and Andy Kelemen, two talented guys that produced this spot. Nate called us up, said he was coming over to shoot our commercial and made it happen. Featured in the video is Jarrod DiGiorgi, Patrick Jordan, Dave Mansueto, Spat Cannon, and Mark Whitehead. Music is by Shopping. Thanks to Nick Falwell for the use of the music, keep your eyes peeled for his new band Centipede Eest. Not enough credit goes out to Grape-A-Don from Grand Buffet for our logo that we affectionately refer to as "Soapy". Give us some feedback on this thing, It kinda has that circa '93 pringles feel about it. Maybe we should get some girls in the next one. Thoughts?
Category:videoPodcast -- posted at: 9:14pm UTC